In-Season Updates

  • Wheat leaf flecking observed in the Crossfield region of Alberta on June 2, 2023

    In June of 2022, unusual leaf symptoms were reported in Alberta wheat and barley crops.  Initially, the concern was the development of leaf diseases.  However, following discussions with Tyler Wist, AAFC Saskatoon, Jennifer Otani, AAFC Beaverlodge, and Hector Carcamo and Haley Catton, AAFC Lethbridge, it was concluded that the white flecking was due to feeding…

  • Wheat streak mosaic in southern Alberta, 02-June-2023

    Wheat streak mosaic in southern Alberta, 02-June-2023, Dr. M. Harding, AAI, Brooks, AB Wheat streak mosaic (WSM)  is a disease caused by the wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV). The virus is vectored by the wheat curl mite. The virus and vector do not normally overwinter in Alberta unless they can infect a “green bridge” host…

  • 2023 Cereal Rust Risk Report (May 24-31, 2023)

    The latest Prairie wind trajectory cereal rust risk report is available for download now at the following link: May 24-31, 2023 report.   As of the period of May 24-31, 2023 the overall Prairie cereal rust risk assessment and need for in-crop scouting is as follows: Pacific Northwest – Even though there were a number of…

  • Report of bacterial leaf streak on barley seedlings, central Alberta, May 25 and 26, 2023

    Symptoms of bacterial leaf streak observed on barley seedlings, central Alberta, May 25 and 26, 2023 Symptoms of bacterial leaf streak were observed in a barley field in Lacombe County based on field visits on May 25 and 26, 2023.  The symptoms were characterized by water-soaked lesions along the midrib of early leaves, mainly the…

  • Report of bacterial leaf streak on barley seedlings, southern Alberta, May 23, 2023

    Symptoms of bacterial leaf streak observed in barley, southern Alberta, May 23, 2023 With crops emerging, it’s time to scout for pests and diseases that can reduce yield. Don’t forget to add bacterial leaf streak (caused by Xanthomonas translucens) to your cereal diseases scouting list. Symptoms of this disease – such as water-soaking lesions along…

  • Report of bacterial leaf streak on barley seedlings, southern Alberta, May 23, 2023

    Symptoms of bacterial leaf streak observed in barley, May 23, 2023 With crops emerging, it’s time to scout for pests and diseases that can reduce yield. Don’t forget to add bacterial leaf streak (caused by Xanthomonas translucens) to your cereal diseases scouting list. Symptoms of this disease – such as water-soaking lesions along the midrib…

  • 2023 Cereal Rust Risk Report (May 17-23, 2023)

    The latest Prairie wind trajectory cereal rust risk report is available for download now at the following link: May 17-23, 2023 report.   As of the week of May 17-23, 2023 the overall Prairie cereal rust risk assessment and need for in-crop scouting is as follows: Pacific Northwest – Even though there were a number of reverse…

  • 2023 Cereal Rust Risk Report (May 10-16, 2023)

    The latest Prairie wind trajectory cereal rust risk report is available for download now at the following link: May 10-16, 2023 report.   As of the week of May 10-16, 2023 the overall Prairie cereal rust risk assessment and need for in-crop scouting is as follows: Pacific Northwest – Even though there were several reverse wind…

  • Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network Quick Disease Reporter Tool (PCDMN QDRT), Updated Mini Tutorial Spring 2023

    To help facilitate awareness of developing plant disease issues on a regional- and prairie-wide basis, the Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network (PCDMN) and the three Prairie provincial pathologists have worked with colleagues from the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Geomatics Group since summer 2021.  The result of this collaboration is the development and deployment of…

  • PCDMN Phase 1 2018-2023 Funders

    Starting in 2018 the Prairie Crop Disease Monitoring Network (PCDMN) was established with generous funding as part of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster from 2018-2023.   From 2018-2023 PCDMN project collaborators:  1) Established a foundation for the PCDMN;  2) Introduced the network to a range of stakeholders at various events;  3) Engaged in…