2025 PNW Stripe Rust Forecast: A heads-up for Prairie wheat growers
In early winter of each year, Dr. Xianming Chen, USDA-ARS, and WSU, Pullman, WA, issues one or more stripe rust forecasts for the PNW region in the USA. Unfortunately, winter wheat crops in the PNW region serve as an important source of stripe rust inoculum for Prairie producers. These PNW forecasts from Dr. Chen serve…
Reports of barley yellow dwarf virus in Southern Alberta – early to mid-August 2024
Feature report from Dr. Mike Harding, Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, Brooks, Alberta, August 14, 2024. Barley yellow dwarf (BYD) is a disease in cereals that can occur in barley, wheat, oat and corn. It has now been reported in many fields in southern Alberta in 2024 – mainly on oat. The disease is caused by…
Additional updated cereal leaf spot disease info cards have been posted
Updated disease info cards have been posted on the PCDMN website for speckled leaf blotch, leaf and glume blotch and tan spot of wheat, and spot-form net blotch and spot blotch of barley. Wheat Barley
Updated end-of-season assessment protocols for the Ascochyta/Mycosphaerella complex of field pea
Ascochyta/Mycosphaerella Assessment Protocols (Summer 2024)During June and July, crop scouting for the ascochyta/mycosphaerella complex in field pea is critical for assessing risk and gauging the need for and timing of an in-crop fungicide application. However, late-season crop scouting is also important as it can be used to assess the prevalence, severity, and impact of these disease…
Updated end-of-season assessment protocols for sclerotinia stem rot of canola
We are fast approaching the time when you can rate sclerotinia stem rot in your canola. Ideally plants should be rated within a week or so before the crop would normally be swathed (if it was being swathed of course). Once the crop starts to turn, rating stem rot becomes very difficult. Key characteristics of…
End-of-season assessment protocols and associated information for blackleg of canola
Blackleg is one of the key diseases faced by Prairie canola producers and has largely been kept in check with the use of resistant varieties and crop rotation. However, over the past 10-20 years there have been concerns regarding observed shifts in blackleg pathogen virulence in response to the major gene resistance used in a…
It is time to think about end-of-season cereal leaf disease assessments
We are fast approaching the time when you can rate leaf spots in your cereals. Ideally plants should be rated within a week or so before the crop starts to senesce, especially the flag leaf in wheat and the penultimate leaf (second leaf from the head) in barley. Once the crop starts to turn, rating…
PCDMN Soil Moisture Maps: Risk of stem rot sclerotial germination, etc., July 14-20, 2024
This is the fifth weekly PCDMN soil moisture update in relation to the risk of sclerotinia sclerotial germination and potential risk of stem rot of canola. For details on the background of these updates please visit the first, second, third, and fourth weekly updates for 2024 for background on the maps and information on sclerotinia risk assessment….
PCDMN Soil Moisture Maps: Risk of stem rot sclerotial germination, July 8-14, 2024
This is the fourth weekly PCDMN soil moisture update in relation to the risk of sclerotinia sclerotial germination and potential risk of stem rot of canola. For details on the background of these updates please visit the first, second, and third weekly updates for 2024 for background on the maps and information on sclerotinia risk assessment….
Mini PCDMN Cereal Rust Risk Update and Rust Impact Based on Crop Growth Stage and Variety Resistance Level, July 17, 2024
There are further reports of rusts in Manitoba as of Monday and also in Alberta. Elsa Reimer and Dr. Brent McCallum, rust pathologists at AAFC Morden reported rust from various MCVET regional variety trials in Manitoba from July 8-9, 2024. These were all from natural sources of inoculum. Observations were as follows: A special thanks…