• End-of-season assessment of sclerotinia stem rot of canola (PCDMN)

    The spring and summer of 2023 was challenging for Prairie producers who experienced very dry conditions, especially under dryland production.  Although this limited disease issues, the drought stress had a very significant negative impact on stand establishment, crop growth, and yield.  However, some Prairie regions did receive moisture during the course of the summer and…

  • End-of-season assessment of cereal leaf spots in wheat and barley (PCDMN)

    The spring and summer of 2023 was challenging for Prairie producers who experienced very dry conditions, especially under dryland production.  Although this limited disease issues, the drought stress had a very significant negative impact on stand establishment, crop growth, and yield.  However, some Prairie regions did receive moisture during the course of the summer and…

  • End-of-season assessment of blackleg of canola (PCDMN)

    The spring and summer of 2023 was challenging for Prairie producers who experienced very dry conditions, especially under dryland production.  Although this limited disease issues, the drought stress had a very significant negative impact on stand establishment, crop growth, and yield.  However, some Prairie regions did receive moisture during the course of the summer and…

  • End-of-season assessment of the ascochyta/mycosphaerella complex of field pea (PCDMN)

    The spring and summer of 2023 was challenging for Prairie producers who experienced very dry conditions, especially under dryland production.  Although this limited disease issues, the drought stress had a very significant negative impact on stand establishment, crop growth, and yield.  However, some Prairie regions did receive moisture during the course of the summer and…

  • Prairie soil moisture and rainfall maps: July 16-23, 2023

    Prairie soil moisture levels and need to scout for apothecia of the sclerotinia stem rot pathogen, July 16-23, 2023 Based on satellite data from July 10-16, 2023, large areas of the Prairies are still dealing with dry conditions and would only have <5 to 15% of surface soil moisture (VMC) (Figure 1). Corresponding, satellite images for…

  • 2023 Cereal Rust Risk Report (Mini and final update for June 18-July 21, 2023)

    The main period for rust risk is largely over for most spring-seeded cereals.  Typically, the greatest impacts occur when rust arrives prior to head emergence.  Arrival of rust after head emergence and during the grain filling period will have a lower impact, although low to moderate yield losses can occur for susceptible varieties.   Sources of…

  • Say cheese: digital photos and effective plant health diagnostics!

    Each year farmers, crop scouts, industry agronomists, seed retailers, chemical company representatives, diagnostic labs, and research and extension staff can be faced with the challenge of correctly diagnosing crop production problems. The use of digital photographs taken with a camera, smart phone or tablet has become a widespread practice for many individuals involved with crop…

  • Prairie soil moisture maps: July 10, 2023

    Prairie soil moisture levels and need to scout for apothecia of the sclerotinia stem rot pathogen, July 10, 2023 As of July 10, 2023 most Prairie regions have well below normal soil moisture with <=40 of normal (Figure 1).  However, some areas including the Edmonton region have somewhat higher amounts (Figure 1).  Based on satellite…

  • Prairie soil moisture maps: July 3, 2023

    Prairie soil moisture levels and need to scout for apothecia of the sclerotinia stem rot pathogen, July 3, 2023  As of July 3, 2023 most Prairie regions have well below normal soil moisture with large areas with <40 to 60% of normal (Figures 1-3).  However, some areas including the Edmonton region and down towards Calgary…

  • 2023 Cereal Rust Risk Report (June 21-27, 2023)

    The latest Prairie wind trajectory cereal rust risk report is available for download now at the following link: June 21-27, 2023 report.   As of the period of June 21-27, 2023 the overall Prairie cereal rust risk assessment and need for in-crop scouting is as follows:  Pacific Northwest – There was moderate number of reverse wind trajectories…