Weekly Cereal Rust Risk Report (Jul 7-13)

The 10th wind trajectory/cereal rust risk report is available for July 7-13, 2020.  Overall the risk of stripe rust movement from the Pacific Northwest (PNW) is low-moderate.  Although, winter wheat is approaching
maturity in the PNW and is being harvested in some regions, the spring wheat crop
has just headed out and is still at a stage where further stripe rust could
develop in the next week to two weeks.  However,
the acreage of spring wheat is about a 1/3 of the acreage of winter wheat
(520,000 acres versus 1,700,000 acres) and growers are being encouraged to
spray with a fungicide to limit further rust development (https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/results/E8A8F30A-19BD-341C-A8DF-B2FD3A78ACBB).

Given the appearance of stripe rust in seven southern Alberta municipalities, at Beaverlodge in the Country of Grande Prairie, and at three locations in Saskatchewan, farmers in these regions should be on the look out for stripe rust in wheat.  In addition, farmers in regions north and east to northeast of southern Alberta should be on alert as southerly winds may transport stripe rust spores.  Special focus should be on wheat fields seeded to varieties rated as susceptible or moderately susceptible.  Also, given the appearance of crown rust in the Mannville region of Alberta, as well as at Carman, Manitoba, oat growers in this area need to be on the look out for crown rust.

Link: Full report for July 7-13, 2020