Stripe Rust Reportings in Alberta

On July 15, 2020, Mike Harding, Plant Pathologist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Brooks, AB, reported the observation of stripe rust in two more Alberta municipalities.  Stripe rust of wheat was noted in the MD of Willow Creek, AB, and the MD of Pincher Creek, AB.

Updated report as of 2:00 pm, July 15, 2020

Growers in areas where stripe rust has been found are encouraged to scout wheat fields, especially those seeded to susceptible (S) or moderately susceptible varieties (MS).  Late seeded fields may still be at a stage when fungicide can be applied.  Stripe rust resistance/susceptibility ratings can be found in the provincial variety guides:

Alberta variety guide

Saskatchewan variety guide

Manitoba variety guide

Mike Harding also put together a graphic outlining wheat reactions to stripe rust and it is attached.  It is based on the 2020 Alberta Seed Guide.  Thanks Mike!